After a rough start that included several meltdowns, all my kid, which I initially feared were a result of illness and envisioned puking on my shoes, or maybe onto an expensive model train, Q ate two bags of cookies and rallied.
I was cautioned by Steve Cryon, a local model train expert, to bring along a sturdy bucket for Q to stand on. This was genius. Q and Peter happily lugged their buckets from train layout to train layout for hours. I wish I were kidding. Peter's mother and I trailed behind and did minor herding, trying not to yawn too obviously.
Don't get me wrong. These train layouts and displays are seriously cool. But I was satisfied after an hour. Not to mention that from late November till February, we have a train layout at the local The Connecticut River Museum (by Steve Cryon mentioned above) that is incredibly detailed and cool.
It was a minor miracle that no one flipped out when we left, but perhaps the promise of lunch (at 1:30) was enticing enough to allow for the graceful exit.
Peter's mom and I feel that we must have earned the equivalent of a Boy Scout badge in Motherhood: Good Mom's Club - Model Train Badge.
After putting the kids to bed tonight, I collapsed on my own, rousing only to yell, "Shake it off!" when Q appealed that he was, "Having a Bad Dream!"
And this is what Noodle did today with Grandma: Baby Lambs.
I'm seriously jealous.
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